2016年6月6日 星期一

Body Mechanics in Dancing (part2)- posture

It seems that I have been talking about posture so many times in class, in blogs, in talks... but really, posture is just the element ignore if you are going to dance, no matter solo or partnered, whatever dance it is.
Posture in Solo helps your individual balance, and correct posture prevents you from getting hurt as you might exercise your muscles wrongly or throw your joints in an undesirable way without guide.

Posture in Partner Dance help you achieve better balance together with your partner. Correct posture ensures you can move across the floor smoothly since wrong pose of either (or both) would disturb your dancing. For example, if you dance solely, you can probably move towards any directions you want, but if you have a lady in arms, or being held in arms, you can't even move without some leading: shoulder leading, chest leading, torso leading, right side leading, left side leading... different instructors of different dance styles give it different terms, for me, it is torsque and CBMP mainly.

Then what are these torsque and CBMP? People who are not having the same dance background may get confused, but okay, get back to our Plane of Motions:
interent source: movements by planes of motion

Move the upper and lower body parts towards opposite directions. 
Move the upper to right and lower to left.
Move the body forward so that you can make a step.
(Well, we are just talking about walking naturally. )

How to get the posture correctly in your dancing? Yes, the answer is hard work. Even though contrary body movement is natural- you do this unintentionally without conscious in your daily casual street walk, having such movements with a partner attached to you is unatural, and that you need to exaggerate the action with care in order to achieve the harmonious dancing.

Good Luck!
Body Mechanics (part1)- centre
Body Mechanics (part2)- posture
