2016年7月19日 星期二

Basic Partner & Mixer Dance Positions

Basic Partner & Mixer Dance Positions (ISTD)
Closed Western
Start position- Gent faces LOD and Lady faces RLOD.

Gents R hand on Lady’s  shoulder blade, his R arm under her L arm. Gent’s R arm bent at 90o, elbow out to side at a comfortable position below shoulder height.

Lady’s L hand rests on Gent’s upper R arm w/ her L elbow bent on top of Gen’t R elbow to make a double hinge point.

Gent’s L hand out to L side presented fwd and palm up w/ elbow pointing down.  The hand at a position to complement to R elbow.

Lady’s R hand palm down on Gent’s L hand w/ position pressure equally applied btwn the two, but not gripped or held. Overall position and stance should be relaxed and comfortable for both partners.

N.B. An acceptable alternative is Gent’s R hand on Lady’s L shoulder w/ her L arm draped over the Gent’s R. This position is not, however, conducive to good lead/follow techniques.  
Start position- both partners facing each other. Hand positions can be:-
Single hand holds
  • Gent’s R to Lady’s L
  • Gent’s R to Lady’s R
  • Gent’s L to Lady’s R
  • Gent’s L to Lady’s L
Double hand holds
  • Gent’s L to Lady’s R
  • Gent’s R to Lady’s R
Or, Cross hands
  • Gent’s L to Lady’s L
  • Gent’s R to Lady’s R
(AKA Swing Position)
Similar to Closed Western but w/ leading feet (Gent’s L, Lady’s R) pointing down the LOD.
This will effectively open the dance position to a ‘V’ shape w/ bodies at 90o to each other.
Start position- both partners facing direction, single file w/ Lady in front, Gent behind. Hands joined at Lady’s shoulder.
Reverse Indian
Position as for Indian but w/ Gent in front, Lady behind- hands joined at Gents hip level
Side by Side (SS)
Start position- both partners facing LOD usually holding inside hands as used in many partner dances
Start position- both partners face LOD.
Lady slightly in front of Gent adjacent to his R hip,
Gent’s R hand palm down on Lady’s R hip w/ Lady’s R hand palm down on top of Gent’s R hand.
L hands are joined in front of Gent at chest level.
Start position- both partners facing LOD.
Lady stands fwd of the Gent to his R so that her heels are in front of Gent’s toes.
R hands are joined to the outside and slightly fwd of the Lady’s R shoulder.
L hands are joined in front of Gent at chest level.
N.B. Position can be reversed w/ Gent on Lady’s R side.
Start position- both partners face LOD. Lady to Gent’s R, hands are joined in front at waist level, Gent’s R to Lady’s R, Gent’s L to Lady’s L. Arms are crossed L over R.
N.B. Position canb e reversed w/ Gent on Lady’s R side.
(AKA Cuddle)
Start position- both partners face LOD. Lady is slightly in front of the Gent’s R side. Gent’s R arm behind Lady’s back joins her L hand at waist level w/ her L arm across her body. Gent’s L hand joins Lady’s R hand in front at waist level. Lady’s R arm will be on top of her L arm.
N.B. Position canb e opposite w/ Lady on Gent’s L side.
Reverse Wrap
Positions reversed w/ Gent in Wrap.
