2017年1月30日 星期一

Physical Foundation for Technique (part 1)- Body Separation

There are tons of dance genres and many styles, however, for me all dances share same common foundation, without which the dance will be collapsed and ruined.

People who only do one dance for social (e.g. Salsa in a club or Argentine Tango in milonga) may not truly understand this, but people who are doing like 11 and/or more will feel it. You might thing that 11 is harsh, but no, Ballroom dance teachers in Hong Kong usually holds teaching certificate of Line dancing too, many of them can do Line, Jazz and Swing apart from the International 10 dances.

Body separation is one of the major foundation for dancing, no matter what dance style it is, Belly Dancing, Jazz Dancing and Hip Hop dancing are the most demanding in terms of body isolation, but Latin, Ballet and Ballroom also require isolations reasonably.

Now let's see what exercises can help better isolation.
Exercise 1: Head
Exercise 2: Arms & Shoulders
Exercise 3: Ribcage
Exercise 4: Hip
Exercise 5: Body Roll
Even I am not dancing, I still like to do these exercises, it keeps me flexible and fuels me with energy for the day. Hope you enjoy!
