2018年4月9日 星期一

The use of Social Media in Marketing the Dance Classes

Practice for Cuban Hip motion in class

When we youtube or google the marketing strategies, lots of gurus pop up telling you that putting you own studio class is a good way to attract attention, but I have blogged about the norm here proving that filming yourselves is a waste of time. 

But wait, there are really some youtube clips that gained tons and tons of likes. 

Indeed, if you google the keyword 'talented dancing kids', 'amazing dance', 'dancing kids'... you will find plenty of video clips. We do appreciate those lovely talented children; however, it is not that easy to have a bunch of talented kids in one single studio, oh in fact, it is hard to have just one. It is not that we do not have good luck, there are of course a lot of amazing people, but comparing to the population, amazing people is not an abundantly presence. 

The amazing dancing population is rare too comparing to the whole dancing population. Thanks to the convenient Internet, we are not spoiled by the rare amazing dancing population who unselfishly publish their result of hard work. We do appreciate that and we do admire them .

Rationally, we all know that they have been working really hard to achieve the spectacular dances, and daily practice would be vital, we just do not want to see how the sweat in daily practice, but to enjoy the fine result after tons of failures. And this comes to the point of this blog entry- we can only filming the daily hard work in class, but seldom we have amazing video to flaunt. It is a very sad piece of truth that we had learnt since the first day. 

Even though we have fancy photo from annual performance shows, we can never have sufficient awesome photos to be published on a daily basis (or even a weekly/monthly basis). 

The truth is, a dance class is where newbie come to learn dancing and have some fun even they couldn't dance really well. To be very very frank, our students keep doing clumsy steps for months before they could finally manage the basic steps. Then several more months to add a little bit of hip (rather robotically), and some years to make the actions look smoother, and take like forever to coordinate the body naturally. 

One can just tell that our class would be a very boring one, as we spend our one-third of our time doing body actions, another third to recall the previously learned figures, just a little time to learn new steps and patterns after sparing a reasonable amount of time for warming-up and cooling-down, it sound pretty boring but I believe this is what a decent class would be doing. And that I do not see any random media user would be interested in joining the class is s/he is not already a dancer. That is why I do not anticipate there will be many authentic views even we do LIVE. 

So in short, unrealistic expectation on the positive impact of social media can only make lives more difficult. I would just prefer to hard on the dances than to film everyday. 

p.s. oh but I do filming regularly, for I need to see if my choreography works. 
