2023年3月6日 星期一

The Teambuilding

 Undoubtedly dancing is an effective way to improve ones’ physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. 

It is also a great way to socialise and forge friendships, reduce loneliness, and surely it is good for building sportsmanship. 

Thus it is safe to get the conclusion that it is a wonderful for Teambuilding. 

To achieve this purpose, dancing in a big group sound nice, in this case Line dancing is a good choice. In fact, easy line dance routine encourages the dancers to participate. Therefore the instructor has to design easy but fun routines. 

An important note is that these routines should not be too long. I'd say 8 eight (64 beats is the max) for one session. Longer than this it'll be hard to follow without the presence of the instructor's demonstrations. 

It is also necessary to keep an eye on the participants' progress. The instructor prepares simple routines, but the concept 'simple' can be with different definitions. The simple moves to the instructor may be hard for beginners. It is good to have a lesson plan and stay with it in class. However, being flexible is necessary, otherwise it is impossible to stay with your plan when half of the class struggles with the 'simple' moves. And we have a conclusion- Plan B is always needed. 

Another choice is social dancing. Social dancing itself is already a social event, this is obvious. Most social dancings like Waltz, Rumba, Hustle, or Swing require some lead-follow skills. The building up of connection between the lead and the follow is a process of socializing. If all the couples on the floor perform round dancing (with partner-changing), it would be a good way to know every one (instead of just one partner). 

After teaching, it would be a good idea to have a short period of 'show time' to let all perform what they have learnt, as the aim of TB workshop is to boost overall wellbeing, builds teamwork and friendships, and most of all, to have great fun.

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