2023年6月12日 星期一

I just wanted to keep a diary, but finally I built a library

All my students know that I have a Routine Library, all the students can access this 'library' as long as they attend my classes. 

Until know, I have a big collection, containing several hundreds routines of various dance styles. 

My colleagues were really amazed when they first saw my collection, and they wanted to know how did I develop such a collection.

Well, how was it first developed? 

I did not deliberately build a routine library, I just wanted to keep a notes of my dances- if not doing so I'm afraid I would have forgot what I had taught in the previous classes. 

We tailor-made first dances for couples, however when the peak season rush reaches, the instructor may get a little confused since couples come back to back continuously for 5 hours 4 days a week. 

Every couple likes to have a special choreography, and surely this is also the reason why couples approach us hoping to learn a unique dance. 

Soon we the teachers are having 4-5 couples each day, and another 4-5 couples the next day, and another 4-5 couples the following day, and another 4-5 couples …

Inevitably, we are having twenty something couples a week, and every couple has a unique routine; therefore, if we do not keep a dance diary, we would be very unsure of what's up next. 

And you know, as time goes, these tiny notes start to build, and finally the notes become the routine library that you see now. 

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