2023年7月10日 星期一

At the expense of the partner...

Just as all we know, leading skill is essential in developing the connection between the couples. This is also crucial on the social dance floor.

In dance parties, every time you may get a different partners- could be an experienced dancer, or could be a novice.

I can understand that novice dancers might eager to avoid what they have learnt, but sincerely, I truly think that in social dancing less is more. 

It doesn’t mean that advanced moves or sophisticated combinations are useless; in fact, reducing everything to the minimal then all you have is the foundation. 

Foundation is the foundation because it is a collection of techniques and it gives a solid ground for you to explore the world of dancing.

When you are still a newbie, nothing is more important than the basics. If you don’t have the correct techniques, you can’t lead well, then your lady would then feel confused; when she is unsure, she cannot finish the moves as the lead expected; if the lady finishes the move at an unexpected position, a novice lead will then have no idea to how keep the dancing going. 

A fact that we can ignore is, even the dance moves are doable, if the dancers got two feet then the whole thing won't be watchable. 

If you care about the lady’s feeling, try not to get a big head.

All in a nutshell, always keep in mind the major social dance rule- less is more.

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