2020年9月21日 星期一

The Samba way of walking

As mention in the previous post, 80% of the Latin dancing uses the same way of walking technique, and Samba is the remaining 20%, which means we have something different. 
In Samba, we have the bounce action, the pentulum action and the Cuban hip action at the same time, the joint effort of all actions exaggerates the hip action in the walking. 
  1. We stay in the in the home position keeping toes turned out, up all weight on only one foot. Just the same as in all other Latin dancing. 
  2. There is a bounce action (knees flexed, knees slightly bent, knees beyond feet, heels lifted, tail-bone up, tummy tightened) in Samba, so before the walk the heels are already lifted during the bounce. 
  3. Heels up, and transfer all weight to only one foot, and then start to move one foot forward, keeping the toes turned out.
  4. Because of the bounce action, during the moving the knee of the supported foot is straightened; as a result, the body goes up a little. 
  5. Let the inside edge of the foot stay in touch with the floor while you are moving forward. 
  6. The moving foot should land in line with supporting foot, toes turned out and put all weight from toe to ball and finally on the whole foot. 
  7. Once the foot is completely weighted, flex the knees; as a result, the body lowers. 
  8. Turn out the hip and the toes of the back foot, so that the hip is elongated, and at the same time lift up the heel so that only the inside edge of the big toe touches the floor. 
  9. Repeat the moving actions. 

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