2021年9月20日 星期一

The Difficult Basics

Basics is basic because they are the fundamental figures for building further advanced skills. The basics are the first to be taught to novice in their very first class. As a complete beginner, stepping into the floor with absolutely zero dance experience, you may think the basic should be the easiest. 

Yes, the basics are the first to learn. 

But no, the basics are not the easiest. 

This is not contradicting. Basic is the base for everything. If the basic is not solid, you wont be able to build anything upon it. 

Take Waltz as an instance, the basic is Natural Turn. Just the Natural Turn you can dance through the night. With Foot Change, you can change to quarter turn to L by doing Reverse Turn. 

Let's say in this way, 

The easiest Waltz is Natural Turn, which only takes 6 steps. 

The second easiest is Natural Turn (6 steps), Foot Change (3 steps), Reverse Turn (6 steps) and Foot Change (3steps) so as to loop again, this sequence takes (18 steps). 

Further on, we can have Whisk, Chasse, Natural Spin......

But it doesn't change the fact that the easiest Waltz takes only 6 steps. Now, mind that 'easiest' here means the composition is the easiest- one figure, six beats, six steps. 

However, to do this 'easiest' routine, you need to keep your posture. Lean back 45 degree, look at 10 o'clock direction, keeping the arms and shoulders in good frame, correct weight distribution, having accurate footwork to the music, ON BEAT!

Now do you still think that it's easy?

Most people can only keep that lean back 45 degree for the first six beats, start to look at 12 o'clock and down on the floor after two bars, arms and shoulders get collapsed after the first figure, begin to forget the foot after four bars...

Really, the basics are not easy. 


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