2024年8月5日 星期一

Dance is a Sport

Dance should definitely recognized as a Sport!

It is a discipline that requires exceptional strength, stamina, and flexibility, no wonder Dance is named DanceSports.

First of all, dance is physically demanding. A dancer cannot be a professional dancer unless s/he undergoes rigorous trainings include extensive rehearsals, flexibility training, and strength conditioning... The toughness of these trainings are comparable to those of elite athletes in other sport areas like gymnastics or track and field. 

The comprehensiveness reminds us the sportive aspect of dance; the intensiveness of each training course emphasizes how sporty it is.  

Similar to any sport, dancers dedicate countless hours to perfect their craft. They engage in disciplined practice sessions to master complex routines, demonstrating a level of commitment comparable to professional athletes.

Because of the intensive, comprehensive practices the participants have done, dancers enjoy profound health benefits. Dancing enhances cardiovascular health, muscle tone, coordination, and balance. Not only it is beneficial to our physical health, but also is advantageous to our mental health like reducing stress and enhancing cognitive function.

In short, dance offers whatever sport can offer.

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