2012年3月19日 星期一

To be a Real Dancer

I am so proud of being a properly trained dancer no matter how the others comment on standardized dancing. Only few people love the dances themselves, most of the couples in my classes enjoyed the dance not because of the dance itself, but the fact that they have a common interest and that they could share the interest with each other in their spare time. While I am conscious that many see it a way to keep fit, to socialize, to spice up their lives, for me dancing itself has become the goal.

My training towards a standardized dancer includes dancing all the basic figures for all 10 dances WITH AN IMAGINARY PARTNER (odd enough I know), and I do this 2 hours a day, every day. While doing the practice, mind the frame & posture, footwork & weight distribution, counting & rhythm, amount of turns & balance, abdomen contraction and body separation. Yes, it is not easy, but-

if you can't dance the basic perfectly alone, then it's impossible to do well when you have a partner;
if you can't dance the basic, then you won't be able to dance the variations;
if you can't count you steps like a metronome, then when you have music you are not going to dance it on beat;
if you can't tell the time signature I can't imagine how you decide which dance you have to dance to that music;
if you are hopeless in music, I can't imagine how you choreograph a show;
if you don't have proper training, you don't know how to lead and follow;
if you don't lead or follow well, you are not going to dance like a dancer.

I am proud of being a properly trained dancer, the intensive training only enables me to enjoy the real dancing time even more.