I could hardly believe my eyes when I read the scale- I lost another 3 pounds after practicing Samba for 3 consecutive nights. Although I have been thinking of losing some pounds before The Cup (so that M can lift me easier), 3 pounds over 3 nights is not my ideal schedule. If I keep getting slimmer, I won't look good in my dance dress!
Talking about Samba, I am actually not a Samba fanatic; I don't really like carnival, nor do I like Carmen Miranda. Okay, CM is not how I know Samba, but it doesn't matter, I mean, I just don't like a tempo as fast as 50BPM. However, I still have to dance it if I want the G1. Somehow I think if I share how I beat the dislike and keep practicing it 2 hours a day constantly could be very enlightening to my students. The answer for me is so simple! Just as how I titled this entry- bellisima.
Apparently I like music, and it is very obvious that I like moving my body along with music. Though it is doubtful whether I move it in a rhythmic way, nor I can express the music very successfully (Nope, I am not such a good dancer, for I know that I can't fit in every kind of music); however, I am willing to, as a matter of fact, I am eager to, advance my dancing. I don't have a genius for music, alright; I don't have a professional training, okay; I don't really have the best resource to assist my pursuing of skills, noted... Constraints. There are lots of constraints, but as long as I am determined to do so, then I am going to make it happen.
I heard this thousands times (told by my colleagues to the kids every day): I worked hard so I am successful now; if you work hard, you can get it. This is not going to work I can assure you, the response they gave would be like 'but you have resources', 'but you are clever', 'but you have a good background', but a lot of blahblahblah.
I once told one of my favourite students, 'No, you are wrong, I had nothing.' My family has never been rich, my mom worked hard to support the whole family with four children; my parent hadn't had more than the elementary level of education, it's not until all kids went to the secondary school then she had time to attend a night school and finally completed the Form 3 curriculum; and I am not clever, what I have been having is a good mother, who demonstrates her children of how should LIFE be. Okay, in short, I have nothing but an aim.
So it is all about the motivation. Although I am not quite into Samba, I know that I am not having G1 in case I don't do it well. Kids, I don't mean to preach, I won't even bother if you don't get your results bright; what I have been telling you all is to know what you want. Trust me, if you know what your goal is, you can 'endure' learning the least interesting things. We human beings are smart, we are not striving for nothing, we will not work hard without a good reason.
So if you ask my intention of training intensively, my answer is I want to shine on the floor- I want to be beautiful. You see, you don't need to have a very ambitious goal, just find out what and how you want to be and work your dream out. You will then find yourself unbeatable.