2016年1月18日 星期一

Multiple Spin Technique (part 1)- Exercise for the Relevant Muscles

We learned how to prepare for a spin, and how to do a spin. Now, when it comes to multiple spins, you may feel it is much harder than the single; however, if you have your basics very well, you should soon be able to do it.

All basics apply to the multiple spin, i.e. the preparation, the body position, the foot position, the momentum, the muscle engagement... The only difference is that you need to keep the same (body & feet) position and the muscle engaged for a longer time. This tiny difference can make a big different, try to stand on your ball of one foot, keeping weight at the inside edge, let say for a minute, then you know what I mean.

So the pre-condition for a multiple is to exercise the relevant muscles. Here is a little exercise to build your balance, core, calf, and spotting. Building the muscles take tons of time so be patient and do not give up, it could take months to have the correct feeling.

Multiple Spin Technique
part 1- Exercise for the Relevant Muscles
part 2- The Momentum

**you may also like to read 
the Spin & Turn Part 1 to Part 6

and Turning and Spotting part 1 & part 2
Turning and Spotting part 1
Turning and Spotting part 2
