2016年10月24日 星期一

Actions, Rhythms & Diff Dance Styles (part 1)- Actions

Ballroom Dancing

We have syllabus figures for dances, not only the International Standard and Ballroom, other Club Dances are also very well developed to have their own syllabi (check here for Dance Learning Notes). However, there is no need to study the syllabi thoroughly to tell that we in fact have a limited number of figures in each syllabus (well, I can recall that we only have a total of 143 figures for the five International Latin dances), but we can always have surprises in a good show, why?

It is because the choreographer can make use of the basic actions to re-create new combinations of dances (read here for more about Choreography). In Latin Dances, no matter the Ballroom Latin or other Latin Dances, as long as it’s partner dance, people usually just focus on the feet and overlook the arms.

Dance, especially a good dance, does not mean the foot step; dance, if not initiated from the spirit and presented with the whole body, can only make a correct dance but never a lovely dance- think about normal handwriting and calligraphy, one is writing correctly, one is writing artistically.

We have already learned the 13 fundamental Hip Actions (check here if you haven’t), now let's see some body actions that we can have in our dancing.

Part 1- Actions (you are here)
Part 2- Rhythms
