2016年11月7日 星期一

Actions, Rhythms & Diff Dance Styles (part 2)- Rhythms

Kandykane teaching dancing in a class

Hey social dancers, so you know the basic if 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4, and you know you break on 2 for some dances but then you basically step on every beat, except when you chasse on the & beat. These are all you know about social dancing.

I believe this is also true for most social dancers. It is true that we only dance to these few time signature, however, exceptional dancers can make magic with just these few rhythms. We have beats and we step on the beats, but do not need to only step on those hear-able beats! If we can chasse on the &, we do not need to always fall back to the same old rhythm 23 4&1, we can change it to 2&3 4&1, then we can try 2&3&4&1! Now we must have busy feet!

If you are too busy with the feet, maybe we can hold for a beat or two, yes, it is absolutely alright to hold the beat. And in fact, you can hold whichever beat you want even it is Rumba, you can hold 23 then dance 4&1&. Just forget about the rules and experience it yourselves!

Do you actually know that we also have a beat? It is mostly used in Samba but it does't mean that you can use it in other Latin dances. Try implementing the a beat with you hip actions, then with feet actions, and then with body actions! Now you have a much richer dance!!

In the world of dancing, if you keep limiting yourself with the same old rhythm same old action, you will get tired of your own dancing. You know, we have a tune, a time signature,  a tempo and limited body actions (as we need to fit into the plane of motions), but the possibilities of outcomes? Infinity.

Part 1- Actions
Part 2- Rhythms (you are here)
