2017年5月22日 星期一

Why Hong Kong kids can't dance well (part 1)~ lack of passion

Kandykane Teaching Dancing

I used to believe children learn dancing better than adults do, just like I used to think children are more flexible, but I was wrong.

Ever since I had dance classes for children, I realized that I was so wrong about children's learning a 'hobby'. I believed that they love dancing and music so they would be more willing to listen to a dance teacher than to listen to a grammar tutor in a classroom. No, I was wrong. I believed that children would love moving around in a rhythm and work in a team with other kids and enjoy themselves during holidays, no I was wrong.

The fact is, the kids love moving around, the kids love not having grammar classes, but they do not love exercising their stiff bodies. Do you really think kids are flexible? No they are not. After two years of dancing, a group of six to eleven years old kids could still not doing a split. If a split is too much, how about just a lunge? No they could not do it. Then how about a squat? No they could not do it. Oh no my god, let's move back to the warm-up exercise, and that is the problem, they do not like warming up. They do not seriously stretch themselves. In fact, they do not love doing anything to improve their conditions.

So in short, the point is lack of passion- they don't want to work hard for it.

Then comes another question: why the children would be so immotivated?
A picture of how they attend classes can give a hint.

When kids dance, parents expect them to just play around for fun and don't care about skipping two or three classes over a 6-classes package. So they are actually attending one-third to half of the classes even they enroll for a whole term. The reasons for absence could be anything: studying for school exams, rehearsing for a drama performance, practising for a singing contest, or going away for a holiday. You don't need to be an expert to tell that such schedule will never promise a commitment. It is so apparent that the dance classes is only one of the after-school activities that may 'enrich' the profiles. The objective here is to 'DO SOMETHING' rather than to 'LEARN SOMETHING'. It doesn't matter how the kids are doing, they only need to have something to tell other people. Even worse, before they could really learn it, they quit it.

So in the end how can I, or the parents, expect to have kids loving dancing?

Why Hong Kong kids can't dance well
(part 1)~ lack of passion
(part 2)~ lack of humility