2017年6月5日 星期一

Why Hong Kong kids can't dance well (part 2)~ lack of humility

Kandykane's son, Kiwi, dancing
Another reason that kids can't dance well lies on their personal trait. Because of the spoon-feed style of learning in school, everyone expects to have fast and instant result of learning. However, from the view point of a teacher, learning process is far more important than a quick result; besides, learning result is not static, it is ever evolving, the end of a course does not imply the final result of the learning, a student should have the ability to keep self-learning and reach the climax of the learning behaviour.

For those who welcome parents play along they do not understand that kindergarten toddlers need more than a month to warm up or get a rough idea of what is LF fwd and RF back. They expect tods can dance along with music already!

I would like to point out that,
  • The body needed to be conditioned in order to overcome the physical constraints. A dancer must condition the body, increase the flexibility, endurance, strength, balance etc, so as to ensure the body is capable of doing what the mind can conceive. 
  • Trial and Error is a must in the learning process. Try, fail, try again, fail again, improve, try some more, make tons more mistakes, learn more from the mistakes, then accomplish the goal. 
  • Talent is a gift that is perfected with study and constant practice. A person who already has a perfect body condition, and has already fail and improve a lot; however, this does not mean that you are talented. There are tons more things in this area to study, and to explore. After perfecting with technique, it could be choreography that you need to work with, it could be solo challenge or a teamwork challenge, it could be teaching dancing, it could be a change of style in the middle of the dance evolution... A talented one must keep on with trends and mature oneself. 
More than often, students get frustrated if they cannot do it perfectly right away. They (and the parents as well) do not accept that there are things cannot be learnt immediately. No one sees that there is a whole life's time for perfection but can only see the result of a 8-class course. Frankly speaking, two months is not even enough to get introduced to a new concept, not to mention that time is needed to train and correct. Time investment is essential! Oh and life is actually too short to get complete knowledge and excellent technique (come on knowledge and technique are two things), how possible will it be to get it in just one short course?

All right, in short, one needs to humble oneself and accept that this is not going to be learned immediately. And that is exactly the point, every kid here are taught by the parents that everything needs to be learned right away, or they will be labelled 'LOSERS'.   

Why Hong Kong kids can't dance well
(part 1)~ lack of passion
(part 2)~ lack of humility