2017年11月6日 星期一

Promoting your own dance studio (part 5- when you can finally claim yourself a dance teacher)

Kandykane Dancing Class

Finally, when you can have a regular class, you can claim yourself a dance teacher.  

At this stage, you can make use of any of the promotions on the list in part 1, and now, here, there is another promotion you would like to look into, which is the incentive scheme or the monthly pass. Here we are talking about promoting after you are a dance teacher.  

Checking out the studio list, only very few of them run the incentive scheme, the thing that called a monthly pass is rare. However, I found another interesting fact, Nightclub Dancing, e.g Salsa, Argentine Tango, Swing or Ceroc run very different packages. The regular Ballroom Dance Studios (or Ballet, Jazz, Street Dance Studios) tend to have regular classes and little or no discount, and they still run very well. The Nightclub ones tend to have flexi-hour pass, welcome non-regular comer, off free trial or beginner discount, and they seem to be running well too.

Here is a conclusion I have drawn, if one wants to teach in an organized way and demand students come on a regular basis to develop skills and technique, then going for the traditional one is good. If one can’t commit like this way, then go for the relaxing style of Nightclub Dancing.

Pros and cons there will be no matter what the decision is. Regular working means regular income but less free time; flexible time schedule means more freedom but irregular income. Students come on regular classes may stop coming one day; students come on flexi-hour maybe regular students too, they do not commit on a regular time but they may come whenever they can manage time.

I have already had my regular classes, no flexi-pass, I surely like having regular income, but more importantly, I like to see my students’ progress. As a trained Ballroom Dancer and Dance Teacher, I still believe in deligence. I believe that only through practicing and correcting a learner can perfect the skill, and only when the learner see the progression the sense of belonging will be developed. Then sense of achievement will drive this learner to come and attend my classes.
You may think that this is HARD work, but you see, you can be a good dancer or a good teacher, but that does not necessarily makes you a smart entrepreneur running a dance studio. It is easy and fun to make your hobby a source of income only when you can assure that this is going to sustain. But fortunately, the key to that is your quality. Wow, all in all, I get back on the basic principle of being a teacher- work on the quality of teaching.   

Promoting your own dance studio 