2023年10月30日 星期一

From Lead to Follow

I first learned dancing as a lady many many years ago. The very first thing I learned is to follow. Surely, I was taught the basic figures and their relevant footwork, amount of turn and all the other details.

Once the beginner lady starts to follow on an authentic social dance floor, the beginner then is upgraded to beginner-intermediate. 

So you see, lead and follow is really important in dancing in. Without enough practising with a partner, more advanced technique is rather impossible to develop. 

However, due to the outstanding numbers of lady dancers, many ladies can’t find their own partners. Therefore, a lot of well-experienced ones transform themselves into lead from follow.

Many social dancers always say there is nothing for ladies to do except to follow (which we know may not be so true under certain circumstances), and there is more work for the lead to do (which is quite true as he needs to know what’s going to be next, at the same time making sure everything is on the beat, plus leading the lady to follow while keeping his own frame and posture). 

Keeping the proper frame and posture may be the easiest, because it should have become muscle memory.

Improvising a routine instantly is not too difficult, given the dancer has been diligently practiced various patterns on his own.

Staying on beat wouldn’t be hard for solo as long as the dancer has trained ears. 

But when it comes to leading the lady to his desired figures on beat, problems arise. Beginner men usually find leading with a clear enough signal is easier said than done. For lady lead, it becomes slightly easier. Lady dancers have sufficient experience being led, and can tell what’s a good lead. 

Thus among my students, the best lead is usually a lady who had learned dancing for long time until she wants to become a lead herself. 

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