Lectured by Taliat Tarsonov
Entry & exit of a dance
- It s important to have a look, a signature, be someone so people will remember you.
- The look is much more than just a new hairstyle, make-up, or costumes. It is appearance. It is the outward expression of the inner asset.
- In order to have a true look, you have to know who you are in the deepest level. It is your self-awareness, your self confidence.
- Look or appearance could be a very important ingredient in our successful entrance.
- In the entrance, you have to gain attention of our audience, you have to present some themes if it is a speech. Most important, to build some intrigue interest.
Entry & exit of each figure
1.Every figure has entrance & exit. Simple changes in entrance & exit can create a different approach to the same idea.
2. Classic routine:
- Basic forward
- Open hip twist to let lady go towards man's left side until can't go further then pull back
- Lady Hip twist half turn to foward and curl then exit to a basic
4. Exit: Spiral (anticlockwise) then couples swivels (clockwise), curl again to basic
Entry & exit to a performamce
1. Ballroom is not a theatre; lights, dancers and every single detail will be always visible on the floor.
2. Entrance is important to catch attention and make the first message, set the mood/quality of the show.
3. Theme presented could be: conflicts, attact, resolve, conflict & be attracted, into the game, she wins a round.
4. You have to present a theme of a show in order to give people a chance to interpret .
5. Should leave a conclusion not confusion at the exit.
P.S. Kandykane likes his lecture very much, it's a shame that I couldn't just paste the demonstration by Max & Yulia here. If you would have a look at the demo together with his presentation, it would have been better than to just read this quick note.