2015年4月6日 星期一

Dance Partner- how to get one & how to keep one (part 3)

So what conclusion can we draw?

First, identify your goal. You need know why you want a partner. If it is for social parties, probably just go partying is the easiest.

Second, you need to be good. You can see from my story that being a well-trained dancer in fact is a privilege, it makes you popular everywhere, social or professional, and catch attention from any potential partners.

Third, get exposure to as many kinds of dance forms as you can , and be good in each of them. From my point of view, all dances are the same: you have a rhythm and a beat, you listen to the music with your body, you have your feet but dance with your heart. The progress you have in one dance can boost your performance in another dance. And you can actually have different partners for different dances.

Fourth, know both man's and lady's steps. You know your step and do it well is not enough, because what matter most in a partner dance is partnering skill. Know how to lead and follow can only make your potential partner like you more.

Fifth, know the solo (shine), partner, group, and mixer. Even though you only do partner dance, you should also know how to solo, not only Salsa has shine, all Latin dances and even American Ballroom have solo. Group dance and mixer are also important skills that can help your choreographing and floorcrafting. Once you are a star on the floor, you may find surprises.

Sixth, know your partners' expectation. You could see from my past experience that a social dance partner, practice partner, professional partner or teaching partner could have different goals. If you want a long term partner, pressurizing will only achieve the opposite.

In short, getting and keeping a partner may need more effort than that in a romantic relationship. 
Good luck!

Get back to Part 1 to see how you should prepare yourself for your partner.
Go to Part 2 to see a real story of partner search


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