2016年1月4日 星期一

Partnering Skills (part 2)- action and reaction

internet source
After you get the idea of frame and posture, it is time to take a look at another essential part of partnering skills, action and reaction. It is considered extremely important, because without it, your dance will look empty.
Usually we will talk about it together with the resistance. First of all, while the couple is in each other's frame and staying still, there is no pressure sending towards each other, but the tension is within oneself, which means the body is toned. The man needs to signal and move, so as to start a dance, however, he should not just move, if he just moves, the lady can't follow him. What he needs to do is to give signal. The signal is a little pressure giving towards the lady, not only through the pushing of his hand, but the moving of his whole frame.

Once the man moves, the lady should not move until she feels the pressure. The lady closes her eyes, when the man moves, the lady won't move because she sees that he moves. She will move only when the man nudges her to move because the man's action affects her balance, she then needs to give reaction in order to regain her balance. And now the new balance is not a static balance but a balance in motion.
It is also important to give signals (of which directions to move) with the whole frame. As there are at least eight direction the couple can go along the LOD, simply pushing the lady with the hand cannot give enough information of where to move, it could be backing the LOD, diag back to wall, diag back to centre. However, if the man's frame signalls her, she can feel correctly. You can try poking a blind-folded skater with your hand, the skater will lose balance, but if you hold both of the skater's arm and push her back, the skater will move back. It is quite obvious that when the five touching points are all working on tell the follower where to go, the follower will go wherever you lead.

Proper action and reaction connect you, it is because of the action and reaction the couple looks like a unified one. You noe understand how important it is, however not many people can act / react. The difficulty of action and reaction is that most people do their steps on their own without feeling their partner. Also, a lot of people would like to learn more moves before they can feel the partner, a natural result is that they don't even know how the feeling of action or reaction is.

So, if you want to connect better with your partner, you should do the basic, and focus on the action / reaction before you add anything to spice up your dancing.

Partnering Skills (part1)- frame and posture
Partnering Skills (part2)- action and reaction
