2019年3月11日 星期一

I love watching people dance!

in Class

I love watching the Blackpool dances!! For some reasons, I think the Blackpool style is very European.

All Ballroom Dancers know the Blackpool, even if having no chance to compete in it, or watch it first handed, there are thousands clips spreading on the Net, so basically all ballroom dancers watch the Blackpool dancers. 

I love the Blackpool style very much, no matter how many time you have watched the finals, still you discover something that you love. The "Blackpool Style" (from my point of view of course) is very European. They look as elevated as ballet dancers they keep their centre very high which can help do the spins. And their legs are so straight, especially when they point. Surely Ballroom dancers do not need to stand on the "toes" (even in the technique books we have the toe steps), they minimize their weight supporting area to a tiny point on the ball of the feet. Their stance and elevation make them so grand. And the best part is that even they are stretched and elongated, they are still very flexible in the hips. 

I said it very European because in general, the Latin Dance competitors separate the upper and lower part of the body, and keep the upper really upright and the lower like a bell hung with a string (so that the hip can be moved into all directions, which, to me, is very Latino). And for some reasons, I think the upright pose is very European. 

On the other hand, the Modern Dance competitors hold their spine and lean back against their partners which make them like a fully blossomed lotus. And the amazing part is that their lower halves still staying together no matter how and where they move. With all the extravagant costumes, they make the floor a beautiful pool full of swiftly flowing lotus flowers. It looks so spectacular and royal.

No wonder the dances have captured the hearts of world's people for centuries. 
