2019年7月29日 星期一

Line Dance Syllabus Steps/Actions Reviewed

* this review is for Associate Exam, syllabus movements here.

Involving the heels and toes, 
1. Apple Jack, 
2. Duck Walk,
3. Swivel,
4. Swivel, 
5. Ball Change,
6. Kick / Flick Ball Change, 
7. Strut, 
8. Pigeon Toe, 
9. Fan,
10. Sugar Foot, 

Involving triple steps,
1. Kick / Flick Ball Change,
2. Cross Over,
3. Sailor Step,
4. Sugar Foot, 
5. Coaster Step,
6. Shuffle, 
7. Scissors, 
8. Twinkle

Involving one part of the feet,
1. Brush,
2. Scuff, 
3. Chug,
4, Scoot, 
5. Point, 
6. Touch. 

Involving jumps or skips,
1. Jump, take off from both feet elevating the body, land on both simultaneously flexing knees and ankles before and after elevation
2. Hop, jump into air from one foot landing on same foot
3. Leap, transferring weight from one foot to the other involving elevation and progression
4. Jazz Jump, spring into air landing on one foot and landing on both feet
5. Jumping Jack, jump into air land w feet apart, jump into air w feet together (or w turn in the end by cross the feet and untwist the feet)

Involving Closing Feet, 
1. Close, 
2. Slide, 
3. Draw, 
4. Together.

Involving Turns, 
1. Paddle Turn, 
2. Spin,
3. Twist Turn, 
4. Open Turn, 
5. Monterey Turn, 
6. Travelling Pivot,
7. Pivot Turn, 
8. Turn / Rotate,
9. Hitch Turn.
10. Rolling Vine.

Involving Actions With Progression, 
1. Lock,
2. Camel Walk, 
3, Duck Walk, 
4. Grapevine,
5, Rolling Vine, 
6. Chase, 
7, Stroll, 
8. Shuffle

Here I've found a list on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAC612981A378E04A demonstrating the syllabus. 

And to better prepare for the exam, I 'd done some practice too!
Below 10x8beats making use of most syllabus figures.
Pigeon Toe 12 34, Hook out in close, 5678
LF scuff 1, brush 2, kick ball change 3&4, Charleston 5678
Stomp 1, fan 2, Apple Jack 34 56 78
Jazz Box 1234 5678
Scissors 1234, LF vine 5678
Touch R toe, 123, jump Jack &4, R Chug 5, coaster step 678
Cross over 1&2 3&4, Pivot Turn 56 paddle turn 7&8&
Swivet R 12, L 34, Sailor Step 5&6 7&8,
Toe strut 12 34, Sugar Foot 5&6 7&8
Monterey turn 1234, Rolling vine 5678

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