2021年5月4日 星期二

Dance Musicality VS Music

More than a reasonable number of times, I was asked to identify a song. 

And then I feel annoyed. 

And then the ones who asked me looked puzzled. 

I always have a question, I can't understand why people expect dancers are knowledgeable towards music. I believe that there is a common misunderstanding about dance musicality. 

To dance to a piece of music, the most needed is to identify time signature 3/4 and 4/4. And we usually just count up to 6 or 8 to a piece of music. And our ears just need to get the first beat in a bar, no matter it's 3/4 or 4/4. We need to know the phrases, but our concern is mainly to group the sections into 4x8beats, or 5x8beats, or 8x8beats. 

However to musicians, a piece of music should have more than three beats and four beats. Musical performance, composition, production, and many more.

Anyway, how and what music should be is not my concern, my concern is the use of music in dance should be understood as a different study from pure music. 

Most people only use music as a technical key in presenting a dance, however, there is another way to present a dance, which is emotional expression. Maybe I can dig deeper around this 'emotional expression' in next blog entry. 


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