2023年10月2日 星期一

Thinking Dancing as a Science

I have started to think dancing is a scientific art since the first time I heard ‘Dancesport’.

The term Dancesport implies a simple truth that dance is a sport, and sport is a science. Sport science is a discipline incorporates physiology, psychology, anatomy, biomechanics, biochemistry, and kinesiology.

It’s a grand study. 

However, dancers usually get only a basic touch of biomechanics and anatomy, professional coaches dig deeper into these plus kinesiology, very few have a comprehensive knowledge of all.

It is completely understandable because practically a dancer doesn’t need much. 

Basic physics like centrifugal force and the principle of leverage helps turns and lifts; basic geometry regarding shapes and distance helps the design and shaping of postures; and elementary arithmetic helps grouping and organising the musical phrases into reasonable choreography…

So you see, dance is really a science, a beautifully presented art. 

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