2020年7月27日 星期一

The Walks and The Turns (part 1)- breaking down the figures with turns

Turning is one of the very significant moves in dancing, a nice dance always involves nice turns. 

However, turning is not the only dance skills that enable a person to flaunt on the floor. As a dance teacher, I would say a nice dance is composed of nice walks. 

First of all, the definition of turns needs to be clarified. When people say 'turn', they are actually referring to 'spin'. Spinning is of course another important technique, but we really need to differentiate these two dance moves. 

A turn, in the ballroom area, is much more common than a spin. A turn is executed when one needs to walk and change the moving direction by 45 degree, 90 degree, 180 degree, 270 degree, and sometimes 360 degree. 

Bear in mind that the 'Turn' is described in the syllabus as how much of a turn to be executed on which step in which figure. 

In the column marked amount of turn, most of the time we have 1/8 of a turn or 1/4 of a turn, for those figures that finally require the dancer to make a turn more that 1/2, usually will be described as 1/4 or 1/8 on the first step, continuously make another quarter or another half quarter. 

We can see that a turn is being danced in a series of walk. Thus, how to walk well is in face as important as how to turn well (or spin well).

The Walks and The Turns (part 1)- breaking the figures
The Walks and The Turns (part 2)- there is something called Walking Technique
The Walks and The Turns (part 3)- the walking turns

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