2018年7月30日 星期一

Use the Heart to ... (Part 1)- Express


In class, I always talk about technique. I suppose all teachers talk about these every class: musicality like tempo and time signature, balancing like core and centre and spotting and ankles, coordination like CBM and CBMP, styling like spare hands and... And yet there is one thing very important but I seldom talk about, that's expression.

Really I said in class that expression is needed but I have never dug it deeper. However,that doesn't mean that I don't think it is unimportant. In fact, I find it crucial and essential for a touching dance. Here, lease note that I have just said it is vital for you to dance a TOUCHING dance- a dance teacher hat can move people's hearts. 

It is necessary to make this note because a touching one may not (of course it may) contain the usual wow factors, or even lacking difficult moves, or complicated patterns. I would say a simple dance containing only basic figures beautiful if it can touch me. 

Okay now, how to create such a beautiful and touching dance? This is a question commonly asked by a lot of advance dancers, including me.

Corazon, I know it is the heart, and I know it is about expressing your heart, oh in fact every one knows that, but how to express?

First of all, we need to have the heart. 

How to get that heart? Feel it.

Now the question becomes how to let other people feel what you feel. 

To achieve that, we need to be reminded the fact that dance never goes without music. Dance visualizes the music so that people can not only listen to the music but to see the story behind the music. Therefore, if we want to be expressive to move people, we first need to get to the music and understand the music we are dancing to (yes, dance musicality is important). And then we need to allow the body to move. 

One mighty thing human body can do is to express. However, we have been taught to be bound by tons of manners and got accustomed to hide our true feeling. For instance, It is a shame for a man to cry in public; it is impolite to explicitly show affection towards someone. After years of training about concealing the true self, it become hard for us, (and for some, it's impossible) to express.

No matter how hard you think it is, let's just think about this, imagine you are upset, do you think your families and close friends will be able to guess so. Maybe not knowing the reason, but they will know. Why? Because you show it in your behaviour. And that's how our bodies work. If we can get INTO the music, or get INTO the atmosphere, it is always possible to express. Because we were born with it. 

So from now on, let's LISTEN to the music with our HEARTS.

(part 1)- Use the Heart to ...express (You are here)
