2019年11月4日 星期一

Getting to know the Line Dancing Actions and Steps (part 3)- some confusing triple steps

dancing couple

There are a few triple steps which are quite confusing, they are cross over, coaster steps, sailor steps, scissor steps and the Twinkle. These steps except the Twinkle are in general having a pattern of step-together-step, however, the key to differentiate them is the beginning and finishing step.

The cross over is a step that one foot cross over the other, the close the unweighted foot, and take a side step with the free foot.

The sailor steps is the most similar to the cross over, whereas the sailor is having the beginning a crossing behind.

The coaster step look quite alike to the cross over and sailor, however, the beginning step and finishing steps are either forward or backward, not sideward nor crossed. If the beginning one is forward then finishing step needs to be backward, and vice versa.

The scissor steps start with a side step to either way, the close the unweighted foot, and the finishing step is a cross in front.

The last one is the twinkle, which is used in Waltz, and should be used in three-count. The first step is to cross, the second step is a side step (unlike the closing step mentioned above in the other triple-step moves), and the finishing step is a weight-change step. The body should turn slightly before the first step and the weight-change step.

*know more about dance actions/steps/moves/figures here.

Getting to know the Line Dancing Actions and Steps (part 1)- a little revision
Getting to know the Line Dancing Actions and Steps (part 2)- The difference among jump, hop, switch, leap, hop, jazz jump and jumping jack
Getting to know the Line Dancing Actions and Steps (part 3)- some confusing triple steps
Getting to know the Line Dancing Actions and Steps (part 4)- the moves that you don't know if there's weight transfer
Getting to know the Line Dancing Actions and Steps (part 5)- the Slide and the Draw
Getting to know the Line Dancing Actions and Steps (part 6)- the Scuff, the Chug, and the Scoot
Getting to know the Line Dancing Actions and Steps (part 7)- the foot in the air
Getting to know the Line Dancing Actions and Steps (part 8)- when we say 'Cha Cha Cha'
Getting to know the Line Dancing Actions and Steps (part 9)- that paddle and that pivot
Getting to know the Line Dancing Actions and Steps (part 10)- Knee Dip, Knee Pop and the Camel Walk
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